Hi all! Sorry I missed my Wednesday post. For the first time in over 20 years I was down with an ear infection and so was little blond person. I still haven't regained full hearing in my left ear. Instead I have that rushing sound that you get when you hold a seashell up to your ear, but at least the pain is gone. It shames me to say that all in all my two-year-old is dealing better than I did with the various pains and annoyances that come along with this particular affliction.
Before I get down to business I'd like to say thank you to all of you who helped me through my writerly funk. After reading most of the comments on my last post I slowly backed away from the delete key, took my daughter, myself and my Ipod for a long, contemplative walk and actually cleared the blockage. No more bragging about word count. I learned my lesson about doing that last Friday, but I'm happy to say I have added a bit to my WIP since then. So thank you everyone!
Now onto business. I'm thinking this is going to become my standard Friday post, just links to interesting blog posts that I've come across over the week. This week I also have a link to a contest for you all (Palindrome, sorry I didn't get around to posting it on Wednesday like I said I would).
I know we all struggle with how much time we spend on our blogs versus how much time we spend on our non bloggerland life. I thought it was interesting that agents, or at least those at Dystel and Goderich, struggle with the same thing according to this post on their blog. If you don't follow these guys, you really should. All of their agents do posts and they provide excellent insight into an agent's world.
Nathan Bransford did a series of posts on his blog entitled 'Be An Agent For A Day'. He requested that his followers provide him with queries and an excerpt of 30 pages from their novels. From those submitted he selected five queries along with their attendant excerpts, posted them on his blog and asked his followers to vote as to which query interested them enough to want to read pages. Then he posted the excerpts and let his followers vote on what excerpt would have led them to request a full. Though the results are in and it's too late to vote, you could still head on over there, take a walk in an agent's all powerful (or so it seems at times) shoes and see how you measure up.
Now for the contest; Palindrome over at Musings of a Palindrome is giving away some great books as a prize. The details can be found here and today is the last day to enter, so get over there and follow her!
I've been debating about including this in my blog post for pretty much the whole last week. I don't want to bring more attention to this particular blogger than she has already garnered for herself, but I just think the whole thing is so astoundingly awful in a 'wow, that was a humongously horrible car crash and I just can't stop staring' kind of way.
Quick bit of history. There's a blog out there called Tales From a Rejection Queen. I know some of you that follow me also follow her so this is probably old news to you. However, for those of you who aren't in the know, for roughly the last year and a half, the Rejection Queen, as she styles herself, has been posting her rejections complete with name and address of the agent who sent it along with her own mostly snarky comments on the rejection. In the past quite a few commenters have cautioned her against doing this, telling her the publishing industry is a small world and she's shooting herself in her literary foot by doing this.
Well, folks, last Friday, this blogger, in my opinion shot herself in the literary head. She posted the rantiest of all anti agent rants, personally attacking Janet Reid and Nathan Bransford; two of, in my opinion, the most helpful and out there agents in the business. The post went viral. She has since deleted the post, but if you care to take a closer look at this train wreck you can head over to this thread on the Absolute Write forums. They have a link to the cached copy of the original post as well as several pages of comments on this situation.
As I said before, I follow this blog and in the past found it sort of darkly humorous as well as sort of a way to vicariously vent my own frustrations with the querying process. However, this was beyond the pale for me. I couldn't believe how poisonous the post was and as I said, I don't want to call more attention to her than she's already received, but I think this can serve as an caution to the rest of us to keep our rants between ourselves and our journals or at the most our good friends or significant others. I know the querying process can be frustrating and hurtful and at times give rise to the sort of impotent rage that I'm sure she felt when she logged on and let loose, but there are better ways to handle it than going viral. In case you ever feel the need to splatter vitriol all over your blog, back away from the keyboard and chant the words 'Rejection Queen' to yourself until reason has reasserted itself.
Sorry I've been MIA on your blogs. I hope to get some time tonight to catch up on all the posts I missed this week while groaning around my house with a hot compress plastered to the side of my head (not an effective treatment as it turns out). Right now I'm going shopping for material to make a quilt for the soon to arrive newest member of the Paxton family!
Hope you all have a great weekend!
Taking a Break
2 months ago